Wires and clips are very effective solutions for the problems regarding dental alignments. However, generally, patients are unaware of the various options available to them. Different types of clips and wires are used for providing best dental treatment in Raidurg. Visit Bharath Dental Clinic for availing budget-friendly and high-performing Dental Braces in Raidurg.
These are the most commonly used bases. The wires used in metal braces utilize a person's body heat for moving the teeth with minimal pain and faster. Patients of all ages can use this for straightening their teeth.
The size and shape of ceramic braces are similar to metal braces. These contain clear brackets and use tooth color for blending naturally with the teeth. However, ceramic braces need extra care and protection since they are brittle than metal ones.
Elastic is not used in these bases as these metal brackets use a lock system. As a result, self-ligating braces are smaller and more comfortable than metal braces.
These metal braces are heavy and hence fitted behind the teeth. Lingual braces are CAD-CAM / 3D designing customizable. However, it can result in mild speech problems during treatment.
Aligners are completely invisible medical-grade plastic trays. It nullifies the need for wire or braces and is very hygienic and comfortable.
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